Little Bird Micro:Bit 24 Project Kit
This kit has been discontinued but we have a new version designed for the Micro:bit V2
Why not learn how to use the micro:bit in bite-sized chunks this year using the all-new 2018 Little Bird Micro:bit 24 project Kit. It's the perfect way to get started with coding and electronics.
- BBC micro:bit + USB Cable
- Breadboard
- Jumper Wires
- LEDs (Multicolour RGB and single colours)
- Termistor
- Temperature Sensor
- Push Buttons
- Potentiometer
- Buzzer
- Sound Sensor
- IR Sensor
- Tilt Sensor
- Temperature and Humidity Sensor
- Relay Actuator
- Rotary Encoder
- Atmospheric pressure sensor
- Smoke Sensor
- Hall Effect Sensor (for detecting magnetic fields)
- Laser Module
- 7 Segment Display
- Light Dependent Resistor Module
- Rain Drop Sensor
- Dual-axis XY Joystick Module
- OLED Display
- Reed Switch
- ... and more!
Set up the Programming Interface
Set up Arduino IDE for micro:bit
Use a Two Colour LED Module with micro:bit
Make an RGB LED Blink with micro:bit
4-Digit Counter with micro:bit
Measure Temperature and Humidity with micro:bit
0.96'' OLED Screen with micro:bit
Thermistor Sensor Module with micro:bit
Control LED Brightness Using a Potentiometer
Raindrop Sensor with micro:bit
Temperature Sensor with micro:bit
Push Button with micro:bit
.... and more here
The Little Bird Micro:Bit 24 Project Kit appears in the following collections: