3-wire Serial LCD Module (Arduino Compatible)
37 units will be available shortly.
This LCD module uses a 128x64 liquid crystal display that support Chinese character , English characters and even graphics. It is suitable for interactive work with Arduino.
It features a backlit control, pallerlel or serial control, contrast adjust. It can be connect to our interface shield for arduino via IDC6 socket and Cable for Shiftout.
The LCD is shipped in Pallelel mode in default. The R9 is used to set the interface mode. To switch to SPI mode, the R9 resistor need to be moved to R10
- Power Supply: 4.5~5.5V
- Micrcontroller: ST7920
- Resulution: 128x64
- Display color: blue lit with white char
- View angle: 170 degree
- LCD module: STN
- Control interface: 8/4 bits Pallelel (Default) or 3 bits serial (SPI)
- Module size:93x70x22mm (3.7x2.8x0.87'')
- Visuable size:73x39mm(2.9x1.5'')
- Wiki Doc
- Arduino library v1.0 for serial mode
- Arduino library v1.0 for parallel mode
- Setup LCD12864 screen in SPI mode with Arduino
- Schematic
- 3-wire Serial LCD Module x1
The 3-wire Serial LCD Module (Arduino Compatible) appears in the following collections: