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If you’re interested in interactive toys, smart accessories, or light-up fashions, this book is for you! Sew Electric is a set of hands-on LilyPad Arduino tutorials that bring together craft, electronics, and programming. The book walks you through the process of designing and making a series of quirky customizable projects including a sparkling bracelet, a glow in the dark bookmark, a fabric piano, and a monster that sings when you hold its hands. Play with cutting-edge technologies and learn sewing, programming, and circuit design along the way. It’s a book for all ages. Explore the projects with your friends, your parents, your kids, or your students!
With this book you will learn how to:
- Make fun and easy to use e-textile projects
- Program a Lilypad Arduino
- Implement simple skills to sew any e-textile board
- Author: Leah Buechley & Kanjun Qiu
- Illustrator: Sonja de Boer
- Publisher: HLT Press
- Paperback: 185 pages
- ISBN-10: 0-9897-9560-8
- ISBN-13: 978-0-9897-9560-9
The Sew Electric appears in the following collections: