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This is a kit for a 3x3x3 cube of RGB LEDs. This kit contains everything you’ll need - 27 LEDs, an ATmega328 microcontroller, a custom PCB, and other supporting components.

The included PCB breaks out the ISP header and the USART pins of the ATmega328; so you can customize the code and control it with a serial device. Sample code comes pre-programmed on the ATmega328.

New to this version of the Cube is the Arduino serial bootloader programmed onto the ATmega328. This means that you can easily reprogram the firmware, using either an FTDI Basic Breakout or FTDI Cable in conjunction with the Arduino development environment. When programming the cube from Arduino, select the ‘Arduino Duemilanove or Nano w/ ATmega328’ board option. Headers are not included for the 6-pin FTDI header, we recommend right-angle breakaway headers.

Power should be provided by a clean, regulated +5VDC source. A 2.1mm barrel jack connector is included, but the power supply is not. If you don’t already have one, we recommend one of our 5V Wall Adapters. Stand-offs are also not included, but are highly recommended!

You’ll need a soldering iron to put this together. All components are through-hole, but the LED matrix is a little difficult to assemble. Make sure you thoroughly read through the build instructions before you buy!

Note: We are now including lengths of wire in the kit, but you will need to strip it yourself.

Note: This product is a collaboration with Embedded Micro. A portion of each sales goes back to them for product support and continued development.

Kit Includes:



The LED Cube 3x3x3 appears in the following collections:

SKU SF-KIT-09867