USB 3-in-1 Sync and Charge Cable - Micro B / Type-C / Lightning
76 units will be available shortly.
As USB technology evolves you'll want the One Cable To Sync/Charge All Things (or, at least, portable devices with Micro-B, Type C, or Lightning ports) and this cable will do the job nicely
This very nice USB 3-in-1 Charging Cable looks like woven mithril forged from the Mines of Moria. It's a very handy item to have on a quest because everyone in the Fellowship wants to charge their phones at the Prancing Pony. And, what to do when everyone's phone has a different connector and, unsurprisingly, a Brandybuck and a fool of a Took forgot to pack theirs? Luckily, you can charge a wide variety of smartphones and devices with this cable, iPhones, Android, Metro M0 Express, etc!
Unlike most cables, these are not just charging cables, but also work as data-sync cables, for iOS, Android and other devices. The clever adapter caps make setup easy, just stack whichever connector you need!
The USB 3-in-1 Sync and Charge Cable - Micro B / Type-C / Lightning appears in the following collections: