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We have ✅ 7 available of the DF-TEL0094 in our Sydney warehouse. An extra 29 units will be available shortly.

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You must have used a GPS receiver. It is easy to be found in most places, such as smartphones, cars, and computers. They are used to track your loaction all over the globe. GPS Receiver for Arduino is a unit embedding GPS module and antenna in a small foot-print enclosure. By using TinyGPS library, Arduino can retrieve geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude, altitude), speed, heading and GMT time. The update rate is an important performance index of a GPS receiver. Most GPS in mobile phones provide an update rate of 1Hz, which means, only one set of data can be retrieved in one second. For GPS receivers with 1~10Hz, the data interval is much reduced and thus can be used for more demanding applications (e.g. on fast-moving vehicles).


  • UBX-G7020-KT solution
  • 1Hz(default) ~ 10Hz output
  • 9600bps(default) [support:4800 , 9600 , 19200 , 38400 , 57600 , 115200 , 230400 , 460800,921600] TTL serial interface
  • 5v @ 30mA (support 3.3~5v)
  • 56-Channel receiver
  • Extremely high sensitivity -161dBm
  • Accuracy 2.5m (Autonomous) / <2m[SBAS]
  • Operating temperature: -40°C to 85°C
  • Hot Start : 1s
  • Warm Start : 28s
  • Cold Start : 29s
  • Module Size 28*28*8.6mm (1.10*1.10*0.34")
  • Enclosure Size 37x48x16mm(1.46x1.89x0.63")
  • LED indicator
Pin Definition:
  • White: PPS
  • Red: VCC
  • Blue: TXD
  • Green: RXD
  • Black: GND
  • Yellow: EN



  • GPS Receiver for Arduino(Model) x1
  • Enclosure x1
  • Cable x1

The GPS Module with Enclosure appears in the following collections: