FTDI Serial TTL-232 USB Type C Cable - 5V Power and Logic
100 units will be available shortly.
Just about all electronics use a UART serial port with RX and TX pins for debugging, bootloading, programming, serial output, etc. But it's rare for a computer to have a serial port anymore. Thus, a serial cable is an essential part of any electrical engineer's toolkit.
This is a USB C to TTL serial cable with an FTDI FT232R usb/serial chip embedded in the head. It has a 6-pin socket at the end with 5V power and ground, as well as RX, TX, RTS and CTS at 3V logic levels. Useful whenever you want to communicate with a TTL serial device such as an Arduino Pro Mini or ESP breakout, and the pinout will match up exactly to any 'FTDI' 6-pin header.
The version we have is the 5V Power / 5V Logic. The data signals are at 5V and the power line provides 5V. We suggest this for any product that needs FTDI cables and has 5V logic/power usage or is 5V-logic friendly.
If you have a device that is running at 5V logic and power, this cable will work fine. If you want to tweak the voltages and signals a little, you should also check out the FTDI friend.
We also carry a 3V Power / 3V Logic FTDI Cable.
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