Electric Cooler Module (5V 1A)
9 units will be available shortly.
Still worried that your CPU is running too hot? Take a look here! This kind of semiconductor refrigeration module is a simple application of the Peltier Thermoelectric Effect. When the current flows through different interfaces of two conductors, it can absorb and release heat at both ends of the couple respectively, which could provide a continuous low-temperature environment for the CPU by its condensing surface and ensure the efficient and stable operation of the CPU.
The Cooler Module starts working when powered on with rated voltage 5V and rated current 1A. Featuring a small size of 30*30*5mm, instantaneous refrigeration, stable performance, no noise, and vibration, it can reduce temperature to -20°C at most. It can be used in the environment with limited space, high-reliability requirements, and no refrigerant pollution or used for making portable refrigerators/incubators, hot and cold water dispensers, and cooling electronic devices.
1. The side with words is for cooling, and the side without words is for dissipating heat.
2. Heat side requires a heat sink or water-cooled heat dissipation device all the time, otherwise, there is a risk of burnout.
Shipping List
The Electric Cooler Module (5V 1A) appears in the following collections: