Adafruit Etched R4 Keycap for MX Compatible Switches
100 units will be available shortly.
Keep your 'fruit close at hand with a super-classy, custom-made Etched Adafruit Keycap. It's made with a translucent/opaque plastic that is etched to create an elegant glow-through effect. Perfect to show your hacker/maker cred on your next mechanical keyboard project.
Snaps onto any Cherry MX or compatible switch. Since the logo is centered, you'll get a glow whether you have north or south-facing switches. It's R4 profile so will work nicely as a stand-alone key or at the top row of your keyboards.
Note: This product is a single keycap, and key switches are not included!
The Adafruit Etched R4 Keycap for MX Compatible Switches appears in the following collections: