Stereo Bonnet Pack for Raspberry Pi Zero W - Includes Pi Zero W
27 units will be available shortly.
*NOTE - No longer available - however we do have this: Adafruit I2S 3W Stereo Speaker Bonnet for Raspberry Pi [Mini Kit] *
Remember those cereal commercials that would always say, "part of a complete breakfast"? Well the Pi Zero's a lot like that bowl of cereal - while it's great on its own, you need a lot of accessories to make it a complete meal.
The Pi Zero Stereo W Bonnet Pack sets you up with the WiFi-enabled Pi Zero W, and our I2S 3W Stereo Speaker Bonnet. This bonnet uses digital sound standard I2S right on the 2x20 pin GPIO header, providing really crisp audio. The digital data goes right into the amplifier so there's no static like you hear from the headphone jack. And it's super easy to get started. We even include speakers that you can plug right in! Once you've set up your Pi Zero, run our installer script, reboot and you're ready to jam!
Note: Due to popular demand, there might be some delay in shipping products containing Pi Zero W!
Our tutorial will get you set up with instructions, you'll be rockin' out in 15 minutes.
This pack includes:
- Raspberry Pi Zero W - the type of low cost game-changing product Raspberry Pi's known for - the super light, super lean microcomputer we've come to know and low, but now with built-in WiFi
- Adafruit Pi Zero Enclosure - Adafruit's classic, sturdy plastic enclosure. Keeps your Pi Zero safe and you can plug the Bonnet on top
- Adafruit Stereo Speaker Bonnet - To get the best out of your Raspberry Pi audio! Since it's digital audio, it sounds great. Now comes fully assembled, just plug n play
- Break-away 0.1" 2x20-pin Strip Dual Male Header - Solder this to your Pi Zero so you can plug in the Bonnet
- Enclosed 3 Watt stereo speaker set - plugs right into the speaker Bonnet!
Don't forget to make sure you have a good strong 5V power supply - especially if you're using the 3W 4 ohm speakers at full blast! Our 2.4A power plug is recommended and not included.
You'll also need a microSD card with NooBs or other Raspberry Pi operating system software, also not included.
Some light through-hole soldering is required to attach the headers onto the Pi Zero. A soldering iron and solder are required to perform this task.
The Stereo Bonnet Pack for Raspberry Pi Zero W - Includes Pi Zero W appears in the following collections: