Etched Glow-Through Keycap with Hate Fork Graphics
100 units will be available shortly.
See some code & think you could do better? There ain't nothing that motivates stronger than HDD (hate driven development). If that's your bag then you can show off your predilections with this custom-made Hate Fork Etched Keycap.
It's made with a translucent/opaque plastic that is etched to create an elegant glow-through effect. Perfect to show your preference for striking it alone, against your better judgement!
Snaps onto any Cherry MX or compatible switch. It's R4 profile so will work nicely as a stand-alone key or at the top row of your keyboards.
Note: This product is a single keycap, and key switches are not included!
The Etched Glow-Through Keycap with Hate Fork Graphics appears in the following collections: