Color RGB Header (40pcs)
These customized colored pin headers are extensively used in DFRobot's product range. For instance, we are the first who uses 3 colors to clearly indicate the roles that pin headers play:
- green - digital;
- blue - analog;
- red - power
We hope these tiny colorful pin headers help you in your own prototyping,PCB designing projects. Enjoy making!
- Prototyping
- Arduino processor or shield female headers
- Custom pcb design
- Pins are spaced by 0.1".
- Arduino processor R3 header kit
- Blue header - analog pins indication
- Red header - Arduino power pins indication
- Green header - digital pins indication
- 6 Pin Header (Blue) x10
- 8 Pin Red Header x10
- 8 Pin Green Header x10
- 10 Pin Green Header x10
The Color RGB Header (40pcs) appears in the following collections:
by Little Bird