ART-Pi STM32H750 Cortex-M7 Development Board
12 units will be available shortly.
The ART-Pi from RT-Thread Team is a DIY open source hardware with extended functions specially designed for embedded software engineers and open source makers. The equipped high-performance MCU, practical peripherals and rich extension ports make it an excellent choice for most engineers to study, develop and DIY.
This ART-Pi development board is built around the core of the STM32H750 processor which outperforms the Cortex-M0, M3, and M4. And STM32H750 is based on the high-performance Arm® Cortex®-M7 core (double-precision FPU) operating at up to 480 MHz. It has 128KB embedded Flash memory, which is a little bit small but still offers a cost-effective solution for developers. (Small RoM and large SRAM are usually the way of evolution for advanced MCUs. Especially for advanced MCU like H7, we never know how much RoM can be actually sufficient. So the optimal solution turns out to be expandable RoM.)
The ART-Pi board employs the STM32H750XBH6 that boasts the best performance among STM32H750 series.
Interface Description
4 x UART (Support LPUART)
3 x SPI
2 x Hardware I2C
1 x USB-FS
1 x ETH
1 x SAI
1 x DCMI
Over 15 ADC (Support ADC differential input)
Over 15 PWM (Support high-resolution timer HRTIM)
The ART-Pi STM32H750 Cortex-M7 Development Board appears in the following collections: