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Me Sound Sensor is designed to detect the intensity of sound in the surrounding environment. You can use it in sound interative project such as a voice operated switch or build a dancing robot with music. Based on the power amplifier LM386 and the electret microphone, it can output analog values ranging from 0 to 1023. Due to a potentiometer, you can adjust the sensitivity according to different situations.


  • Selectable sensitivity with a potentiometer
  • A state indicator and a power indicator
  • 16mm interval M4 mounting holes, compatible with Makeblock beams
  • 2.54mmbreakout pins for connecting with jumper wires
  • Easy wiring with 6 Pin RJ25 interface


  • RatedVoltage: 5V
  • Singal type: Analog(A0 pin output about 483(quiet), from 483 to 1023(noise)), A1 pin output about 0(quiet),from 0 to 1024(noise). The sensitivity of A0 pin is higher than A1 pin.
  • Size:24x48x 32mm(Length x Width x Height)



For more details about this product, please visit Makeblock wiki page. If you have any question about this product or you need technical support, please post it in Makeblock forum.

The Me Sound Sensor appears in the following collections:

SKU MB-11008