LittleBits Makey Makey
Ready to incorporate a carrot, your sunglasses, or great-grandma into your littleBits creations? Now you can use everyday objects to trigger your Bits and control cursors on your computer’s keyboard, or even control your computer with Bits.
Make a touchpad out of ANYTHING by attaching alligator clips (4 are included!) to the Makey Makey Bit. For example: you and a banana. When you touch the banana, you complete the connection, and the Makey Makey Bit sends a signal to either your computer (move cursor left or right) or to your bits (flash an LED or turn a motor).
You can make 3 awesome interactions:
1. Touch to Bit: Trigger your Bits with any conductive object. Touch a banana to turn on an LED, splash water to move a servo motor, or turn a watermelon into a bass drum!
2. Bit to computer: Use regular Bits, like sensors and triggers, to control the cursors on your computor. Make a whimsical photobooth with your computer by using the sound trigger. Take pictures with a clap, sneeze--anything that makes sound.
3. Touch to computer: Use any object that can hold electricity, like oranges, foil, or people, to control the cursors on your computer.
The module connects to a computer through a micro USB cable and has three MaKey MaKey inputs which are mapped to left arrow, right arrow, and space bar/mouse click. Each one of these key inputs can be controlled by littleBits modules like motion triggers or light sensors.
Learn more about Makey Makey with our Tips & Tricks and FAQ
. If you're new to littleBits, check out our Makey Makey Starter Bundle.
The LittleBits Makey Makey appears in the following collections: