ProS3 ESP32-S3 with u.FL by Unexpected Maker
6 units will be available shortly.
Introducing the ProS3 - The Ultimate Pro ESP32-S3 Development Board now with a u.FL connector instead of an onboard antenna, for the times when you want to connect an external antenna for longer radio range, or for putting your S3 boards inside a case/enclosure.
The ProS3 ships with the latest version of CircuitPython with ESP32-S3 support. It also ships with the UF2 bootloader, so you can easily update your ProS3 with the latest CircuitPython firmware, whenever you desire. Just plug your ProS3 into your computer and it will appear in your filesystem as a USB flash drive! Just copy your code over, or edit your code directly on the drive. Coding a microcontroller has never been easier!
As newer versions of CircuitPython are released, you are able to update as you require from circuitpython.org If you need to grab the shipping CircuitPython code that comes with the ProS3, you can grab the latest here
You can also use Arduino 2.0.3 or later, which has added S3 support. There is also ESP-IDF and an early MicroPython port available as well. Visit the ProS3 product page for more details.
Features & Specifications
- Dual 32bit Xtensa LX7 cores @ up to 240Mhz
- RISC-V Ultra Low Power Co-processor
- 2.4GHz Wifi - 802.11b/g/n
- Bluetooth 5, BLE + Mesh
- 16MB QSPI Flash
- 8MB of extra QSPI PSRAM
- 2x 700mA 3.3V LDO Regulators
- LDO2 is user controlled & auto-shuts down in deep-sleep
- Low power RGB LED
- Ultra low deep sleep current
- USB-C Connector with back-feed protection
- USB ESD protection
- Native USB + USB Serial JTAG
- LiPo Battery Charging + PicoBlade connector
- VBAT and 5V Sense Pins
- 3D High Gain Antenna
- STEMMA connector powered by LDO1
- 27x GPIO including castellated headers
- JTAG pins on the header
The ProS3 ESP32-S3 with u.FL by Unexpected Maker appears in the following collections:
SKU AF-5749
by Little Bird