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4-pin JST PH to JST SH Cable - STEMMA / Grove to QT / Qwiic - 200mm long

We have ✅ 10 available of the AF-4424 in our Sydney warehouse. An extra 100 units will be available shortly.

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Are you a maker in the midst of a STEMMA dilemma? This 200mm long 4-wire cable is a fantastic chimera-cable fitted with STEMMA QT / Sparkfun Qwiic JST SH on one end, and Grove / STEMMA JST PH connectors on the other.

Chunkier JST PH connectors come with 2mm pitch, and JST SH (also known as Qwiic) are 1mm pitch. Both have a nice latching feel, while being easy to insert and remove. Great for use with PyPortal, PyBadge, PyGamer, HalloWings, and anything else we made with a 4-pin JST PH connector for I2C.

This cable can be used with STEMMA or STEMMA QT / Qwiic boards to easily connect sensors and drivers from one board to the other.

Please note you will have to watch for voltages on the power/signal pin when using 3V-only Qwiic sensors with this cable!

  • You can use this to connect any Grove I2C sensor (3-5V) to an I2C host with Stemma QT or Qwiic connectors (3V)
  • You can use this to connect any STEMMA QT (3-5V) sensor to Grove or STEMMA host (5V) board, and vice versa
  • Warning: If you want to connect a Qwiic board (3V power only!) to a Grove or STEMMA host, make sure the power switch is set to 3V

The colors are:

  • Black for GND
  • Red for V+ - For Qwiic boards, 3.3V. For STEMMA QT, 3 to 5V.
  • Blue for SDA
  • Yellow for SCL

For more information, visit the JST website for JST PH and JST SH.

Check out all our STEMMA QT offerings here including a wide range of lengths and connectors

The 4-pin JST PH to JST SH Cable - STEMMA / Grove to QT / Qwiic - 200mm long appears in the following collections:

SKU AF-4424