Adafruit Bonsai Buckaroo - micro:bit & CLUE Plant Care Helper
100 units will be available shortly.
We can’t wait for spring to arrive, and we’re looking forward to caring for some plants! We designed this little add-on for micro:bit or CLUE boards – bolt it on with 5 screws to get a buzzer/beeper, motor driver, and breakouts for connecting a soil sensor (two alligator clips + nails work just fine). Simple, but effective!
- 8mm Buzzer/Speaker on pin P0 - have your plant kit beep when it wants watering, or have it sing a song when its nice and happy.
- 3V Motor control (on/off) on pin P2 - connect to a water pump to automatically water dry plants
- Alligator clip pads for pin P1, 3V and GND - connect to two alligator clips and nails to measure soil resistance
Works with micro:bit in Arduino, micropython or MakeCode. For CLUE, you can use CircuitPython or Arduino.
Please note this product does not come with a pump, tubing, alligator clips, nails, CLUE or micro:bit! It's just the control board that attaches to the micro:bit or CLUE!
You'll want to also pick up separately:
- micro:bit Go Bundle or Adafruit CLUE
- Horizontal style or vertical style 3V water pump
- Vinyl tubing - 8mm diameter (also available in any hardware store)
- Two alligator clips in any color
- Two stainless steel nails (available in any hardware store)
The Adafruit Bonsai Buckaroo - micro:bit & CLUE Plant Care Helper appears in the following collections: