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LEDs & NeoPixels

LEDs, or Light Emitting Diodes, are semiconductor devices that emit light when an electrical current passes through them. They are highly efficient, durable, and require low power to operate, making them popular in a wide range of applications, from indicator lights in devices to street lighting and automotive headlights.

NeoPixels is a brand name for individually addressable LEDs, popularised by Adafruit Industries. These LEDs are built into a small circuit along with a driver chip that allows each LED to be controlled independently in terms of brightness and colour. This is achieved through digital communication, where a single data line from a controller can manage multiple LEDs, allowing for complex lighting effects and animations with minimal wiring.

The technology behind NeoPixels typically involves WS2812, WS2812B, or similar integrated light sources that combine an RGB LED (red, green, and blue diodes) with a control circuit in a single package. By adjusting the intensity of each diode, these LEDs can produce a wide spectrum of colours. NeoPixels are used in a variety of applications, including dynamic lighting effects for wearable technology, art installations, and custom gaming setups. Their popularity stems from their ease of use, versatility, and the vibrant, dynamic displays they can create.



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