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A. Arduino Command Reference

This section provides a quick overview of commonly used Arduino commands and their descriptions:

  1. Setup and Loop:

    • void setup() { } - Runs once when the program starts.
    • void loop() { } - Runs repeatedly after setup().
  2. Digital I/O:

    • pinMode(pin, mode) - Sets the mode of a pin (INPUT or OUTPUT).
    • digitalWrite(pin, value) - Writes a HIGH or LOW value to a pin.
    • digitalRead(pin) - Reads the value from a pin.
  3. Analog I/O:

    • analogRead(pin) - Reads the value from an analog pin (0 to 1023).
    • analogWrite(pin, value) - Writes a PWM wave to a pin.
  4. Timing:

    • delay(ms) - Pauses the program for a specified number of milliseconds.
    • millis() - Returns the number of milliseconds since the program started.
  5. Serial Communication:

    • Serial.begin(baud_rate) - Starts serial communication.
    • Serial.print(data) and Serial.println(data) - Sends data to the serial port.
    • Serial.available() - Returns the number of bytes available to read.
    • - Reads incoming serial data.

B. Resources and Recommended Reading

  1. Books:

    • "Arduino Workshop" by John Boxall
    • "Exploring Arduino" by Jeremy Blum
    • "Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches" by Simon Monk
  2. Online Platforms:

  3. Forums and Communities:

C. Glossary of Terms

  1. GPIO (General-Purpose Input/Output): Pins on Arduino used for input or output operations.
  2. PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation): A modulation technique to achieve analog results with digital means.
  3. IDE (Integrated Development Environment): Software used to write, compile, and upload code. In this context, the Arduino IDE.
  4. Sketch: A program written for Arduino.
  5. Shield: A board that can be attached to an Arduino board to provide additional functionalities.
  6. Baud Rate: The speed of data transfer in serial communication, measured in bits per second.
  7. Pull-Up/Pull-Down Resistor: Resistors used to ensure that a wire is pulled to a consistent voltage in the absence of input.
  8. Firmware: Software that provides low-level control for a device's specific hardware.

This appendices section serves as a quick reference guide, aiding in revisiting concepts, exploring further resources, and understanding common terms in the Arduino world.

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