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We have ✅ 1 available of the AF-1494 in our Sydney warehouse. An extra 62 units will be available shortly.

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Kiss those days of heat-shrink, melted jacketing and clumsily-arranged third-hand tools goodbye! Go 'cold splice' with these snap-able plastic splices for fast connections. Use with any 22-26 AWG solid core wire and slip them into the plastic splice so that they slide into the metal teeth. Then squeeze down with parallel-jaw or slip joint pliers - don't use needle-noses, they have too much angle and not enough force. We also like using our panavise to squeeze them down.

This is a wire-tap splice. You can slide one half over an existing 22-26 AWG solid-core wire and then 'tap' into it with another wire. It's an easy way to tap into an existing wire without doing weird cut-solder surgery.

The splices contain a little silicone jelly to keep the cold splice from oxidizing so they are a bit weatherproof. They are not waterproof.

Comes in a pack of 10 pieces! They're handy so keep some around in your drawer.

The Cold Splice Wire Tap (UB) - 10 pack appears in the following collections:

SKU AF-1494

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Cold Splice Wire Tap (UB) - 10 pack

It took a while for the product to come to me but it eventually did so there was good communication back and forth. Just need to ensure subsystems are working properly for correct shipping details